We are a church located in Jarvis, Ontario established in 1948. Immigrants from the Netherlands, looking to make a new life in Canada, brought with them their Reformed flavour of Christianity. Since then, we have expanded our congregation but still hold fast to our Dutch roots.
Ebenezer is a Christ-centered Reformed church sharing the good news of Jesus Christ with other for the growth of Christ's church. Led by God's Word and Spirit, we teach, equip and empower people to respond to, be transformed by, and share God's saving grace.

Our core values are:
Biblical preaching, teaching and discipleship
Commitment to prayer and the sacraments
Serving as the hands and feet of Christ
Building intentional relationships through inter-generational fellowship and worship
Supporting global missions and missionaries
Offering love and care to call
Promoting a sense of Christian justice and dignity in the world
Jarvis Ebenezer belongs to a whole network of churches called the Christian Reformed Church in North America.
We call ourselves CHRISTIAN because we are followers of Jesus Christ. We believe that Jesus is the Son of God and that he is the center of human history.
We’re called REFORMED because we are a branch of the church tree that emerged from the Protestant Reformation in sixteenth-century Europe. We live by the grace of God as taught by all churches born of the Protestant Reformation
We’re a CHURCH because we believe God has called us together to be a people who belong to him and live for him.
NORTH AMERICA tells you where we are situated; but it also tells you we’re connected with Reformed denominations in other places around the globe.